Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How to Remove Programs with Delete Command Prompt


hello everybody!hurm...hi to all my friends...just to get rid of my unwelcomed feeling..

so..wanna delete program permanently using command promp?
just like we learn last year during ISC class???

ok...this is a revision for me too...=)

without wasting time..lets do it together..

1. Open Start>run>cmd.
2. Enter "cd %programfiles%" and press enter.
3. Type "dir /p" without quotes. You will see the list of all your programs now.
4. for example, To delete-uninstall CCleaner type rd /s "CCleaner" and press "Y". This will permanently delete this program so be sure you know this is what you want.

p/s: You can delete any program using this method just replace the name with what you want to delete

so, have a try!
lets have fun!

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