sebab aku daa naek stress tgok blog ney cam daa nak reput ditelan anai2..
(bukan stakat berhabuk!)
meh laa aku nak share cket bnda ngan korunk sume...(aku ade terpk jugak...bzy sgat ke dak2 ISA ney..smpy tak sempat nak jenguk blog ney...)
~aku pon termasuk skali laa...! aish...! okey laa..okey laa...
ni nak cter sal virus cket ney...nak cter satu per satu...tade r pro sgat smpy tahu sume an...
let's us read bout this article;
(about KAMA SUTRA)
The malware comes as a file called Real kamasutra. pps. exe, the old double-extension trick. When you click on the file you do get to see a real PowerPoint presentation, but in the background a backdoor Trojan called Troj/Bckdr-RFM is installed which allows hackers to gain remote access to your computer.
Once they have broken into your computer, they can use it to relay spam around the world, grab your identity, spy on your activities, install revenue-generating adware or launch denial of service attacks."
-credits to Jose Tinto
(thanks for this article!)
so..kawan2..as a precaution step..kita jgan r maen click je kat mane2 link yang kita

rasa nak click okey..kena consider la jgak efek dye tu... ;)
ha...lagy satu..jgan lupa update anti-virus korunk yer..! jangan smpy computer@laptop korunk demam dulu,bwu korunk nak bawak gy klinik...
"mencegah lebih baik daripada mengubati.."
tak gtu my friends? heehe
ok guys,for more information,you can go to;
(yang ini boleh laa kalau nak clik pon)
:::nukilan chayer,SA*:::
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